Strategy is an expensive hire but a valuable skillset. For many, strategy is not a full time requirement and accessible strategy is hard to find. Most freelance strategy gets done as projects and once a project is delivered, the value of the strategist gets reduced to a deliverable document- unless there is ongoing support.
Ongoing support across the year to help you set direction, build momentum and prioritise. Having on demand and asynchronous support is valuable for busy founders who want:
When you’re in the day to day, it’s easy to get ‘shiny new object’ syndrome and be distracted with new opportunities and busyness. This offering is based on years of freelance, contract, project and full-time strategy work across startups, large corporations and with solopreneurs. It is consulting at an affordable price point, with an actionable output that keeps you accountable and on track.
We develop a short strategy document to start the year that outlines intentions, direction, key projects, desired outcomes and milestones. The strategy sets what you will be working towards in the long run and working on in the short term.
Weekly check ins on a Monday or Tuesday to outline your: